Patient Centered Medical Home

CSM is recognized as a Patient Centered Medical Home by NCQA and is transforming its services based on this model. CSM is committed to providing you with the highest quality coordinated health care and is responsible for coordinating the patient’s medical care and services, comprehensively through the different levels of care, including mental health.

CSM’s clinical team offers you evidence-based medical services and a self-management support program for your health condition.

Responsibility of CSM as

Patient Centered Medical Home

  1. Improve access and continuity of service.
  2. Identify and manage the patient population.
  3. Provide support to the patient in their self-care.
  4. Coordinate and track the care of our patients.
  5. Measure our performance based on established goals.
  6. Guide the patient on how to obtain care and clinical consultations during office hours and outside of office hours.
  7. Coordinate and provide health care in accordance with evidence-based care guidelines and protocols.